Club Membership
Club fees should be paid online with our payment partner Stripe - links below for each fee. Cash at each lesson is also fine, but online subscription offers the least hassle, best value.
Before your first class, or your child's first class, please download, print out and fill in the appropriate information in the new membership forms here.
Annual Membership
Membership of the dojo costs £20 per year and includes comprehensive insurance with BMABA.
Senior Class Fees
Each senior class costs £10 - payment can be cash or online here. Subscriotion at £20/month can be setup.
Junior Class Fees
Each junior class costs £5 - payment can be cash or online here, subscription at £10/month can be setup.
Grading Fees
Senior Kyu Grades Cost £20 each as certificates are ordered from Japan. Senior Dan Grades vary for each grade and links will be provided individually.